dating someone new plus loving their flu symptom sensitive Heating plus Air Conditioning

dating someone new plus loving their flu symptom sensitive Heating plus Air Conditioning

It’s always so interesting when you are first getting to know somebody in an intimate way.

  • It’s one thing to make new friends in life, however it’s an actually strange story when you are starting to date somebody.

Suddenly, every opinion that they have plus every small habit that they present is a pretty big deal. When you are considering a future together, you want to make sure that there are no strange surprises or habits that will drive you crazy. That’s why, I am harshly interested in the new man that I’ve been seeing, thanks in part to his drastic dust sensitivities. No, I don’t have respiratory health problems myself. I am as healthy as a horse, plus I don’t have dust sensitivities to any airborne substances. However, I absolutely love a nice indoor heating plus cooling system. Because my new wifey is harshly sensitive when it comes to airborne contaminants plus toxic fumes, he has to own plus maintain an harshly high tech heating, cooling, plus ventilation system. His entire heating plus cooling plan is powerful enough to service a large commercial building. His whole-house air purifier is the same used in ICUs at the hospital. He has the same maintenance package for his furnace plus air conditioner as the flu symptom wing at the Mayo Clinic. In short, this guy has the most incredible indoor air quality that I have ever experienced. I absolutely guess this relationship is going somewhere. I’ve never been so comfortable this early on in a relationship, plus half of it is due to his Heating plus Air Conditioning system
