Worst weather while friends visit

Worst weather while friends visit

A few months ago I moved across the country to stay with my boyfriend & our cat, necessitating my departure from the actually best friends I’ve ever had in my life! The transport has been actually strenuous on me, & I’ve been struggling to find my footing in a up-to-date location, & trying to get

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Sleeping in the basement was great, until winter

Sleeping in the basement was great, until winter

When I was a teenager, I just wanted to get away from all the people in my family. I very could not lay being in the same condo as my mom, my brothers, or my siblings. Everyone was so full of chaos as well as drama, as well as I simply wanted to be left

Contine Reading

Your Outdoor Condensing Unit

Your Outdoor Condensing Unit

In the Summer I like to labor outside. I like to make sure my dwelling is in tip top shape. When I labor around my dwelling I like to maintain my flower beds. I also like to make sure my grass is break and my shrubs are trimmed. Every Summer our neighborhood has a contest

Contine Reading

Furnace Maintenance

Furnace Maintenance

The holidays are approaching fast. I feel like I am running out of time to buy presents for my nieces and nephews. I have extended family coming to my dwelling to celebrate the holidays; Normally we would go to my Grandparents to have a holiday dinner and exchange presents. However they past away last year

Contine Reading

New Systems With Older Parts

New Systems With Older Parts

I was wrong, the reason why he recommended in replacing my ductwork too is because installing a new high-efficiency heat pump in addition to using aged ductwork can affect performance The other afternoon I was outside gardening. I was planting my Summer vegetables in the heat. It wasn’t the smartest idea to beginning planting them

Contine Reading

now I understand my poor airflow

now I understand my poor airflow

I grabbed the screwdriver and popped the cover off About a year ago when I first moved into my co-workers house, I really didn’t have any right to voice any complaints. I was just so grateful to have a roof to sleep under, so I kept my mouth shut about every other detail. I figured,

Contine Reading

Getting new sewer pipe lining

Getting new sewer pipe lining

Recently I started noticing a foul smell outside of my door. Anytime I walked around my yard I would get a whiff of a foul smell. I started investigating and noticed that there was a bit of wetness on a patch in my lawn. After some research and looking at my plot of land, I

Contine Reading

Losing power, plus losing cooling system

Losing power, plus losing cooling system

A few weeks ago I was having a particularly bad day at my job. All of my co-workers have been freaking out for a few months already plus at this point they were beginning to take their frustrations out on one another. I was feeling seriously exhausted with hearing every guy arguing plus telling tales

Contine Reading

Worst weather while friends visit

Worst weather while friends visit

A few months ago I moved across the country to stay with my boyfriend and our dog, necessitating my departure from the very best friends I’ve ever had in my life. The move has been very hard on me, and I’ve been struggling to find my footing in a new location, as well as trying

Contine Reading

Building automation system is an asset

Building automation system is an asset

The building automation system monitors humidity, energy usage and even switches the building over the generator in the event of a power failure One of the best improvements I’ve made to my commercial space is the addition of a building automation system. I thought the investment would be much higher, and I was surprised by

Contine Reading

Air Duct Cleaning Should Be A Priority

Air Duct Cleaning Should Be A Priority

I have a feeling that my air quality in my dwelling is not good. Working from dwelling is a blessing for me. I have two kids plus they are not in college yet. Being able to stay dwelling with them plus care for them while working my job is a plus for me. I’m able

Contine Reading

Your Outdoor Condensing Unit

Your Outdoor Condensing Unit

In the Summer I like to labor outside. I like to make sure my dwelling is in tip top shape. When I labor around my dwelling I like to maintain my flower beds. I also like to make sure my lawn is split plus my shrubs are trimmed. Every Summer our neighborhood has a contest

Contine Reading

I wish the game of hockey had air conditioning involved

I wish the game of hockey had air conditioning involved

However playing the interest of hockey is entirely long and you need a lot of concentration. I legitimately have never understood people who certainly like out, however all you doing hockey is sit outside and swing to hit a ball! Then you walk a little… It just seems like such a interest where you just

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No air flow, no go

No air flow, no go

The guy I’m seeing these afternoons is seriously humorous to me. My first impression of him was that he was seriously tough, manly, plus distant. However, now I realize that underneath it all he isquite a sizable softy. He just keeps to himself plus does not have a lot to say most of the time.

Contine Reading

Air Duct Cleaning Should Be A Priority

Air Duct Cleaning Should Be A Priority

Working from household is a blessing for me… I have two youngsters plus they are not in school yet, being able to stay household with them plus care for them while laboring my task is a plus for me. I’m able to watch my children plus homeschool them for a little before they start pre-k

Contine Reading

Glad I hired the guy to do the upgrade as well

Glad I hired the guy to do the upgrade as well

I own a lot of rental properties in Palm Bay, FL. It is a nightmare keeping up with all of them. I don’t want to hire a property manager since that takes a split of my profits, so whenever I can do something myself, I do it. There are certain things that are beyond my

Contine Reading

Your Outdoor Condensing Unit

Your Outdoor Condensing Unit

In the Summer I like to work outside. I like to make sure my household is in tip top shape. When I work around my household I like to maintain my flower beds. I also like to make sure my turf is cut in addition to my shrubs are trimmed. Every Summer our neighborhood has

Contine Reading

New Systems With Older Parts

New Systems With Older Parts

The HVAC duct can be leaky or unsatisfactory plus may not be sized for the new heat pump The other afternoon I was outside gardening. I was planting my summer time vegetables in the heat. It wasn’t the smartest idea to start planting them in the middle of the afternoon, although I was too lazy

Contine Reading

Furnace Maintenance

Furnace Maintenance

The holidays are approaching fast. I feel like I am running out of time to buy presents for my nieces plus nephews. I have extended family coming to my house to celebrate the holidays! Normally my friend and I would go to my Grandparents to have a holiday dinner plus exchange presents. However they past

Contine Reading

now I understand my poor airflow

now I understand my poor airflow

About a year ago when I first moved into my co-workers house, I absolutely did not have any right to voice any complaints. I was just so grateful to have a roof to sleep under, so I kept my mouth shut about every other detail. I figured, if I was indoors plus had a bed

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