My mother and father in law are obsessed with saving energy and money.
It’s a little over the top.
My husband thinks so too. He likes to save money and energy but he’s not as crazy as his parents are about it. We like to recycle our plastics, paper, cans and bottles. We have a few solar panels on our roof. We monitor the amount of time we leave our lights on and how long we shower. I’m fine with doing all of this but my husband’s parents take it to a whole other level. We had dinner with them one night. I don’t have a problem with them but some things that they say just shouldn’t be said. They were discussing to us at the dinner table about the new HVAC system that they were getting installed in their home. It sounded very interesting and something that I wouldn’t mind getting in our home. It was called a geothermal HVAC system. It heats and cools your home naturally through the ground of your home. Even though it’s a little expensive to install at first, it ends up saving you money. This is because it requires less energy to heat and cool a home than a normal HVAC system. The geothermal system lasts longer than a normal HVAC system by 20%. I was even surprised when his parents told us that the maintenance of a geothermal system significantly costs less. This money and energy saving technique is the most logical thing that I’ve heard them say in a while.
Further information on AC