A few months ago I was out at our state park, enjoying a nice long trek by myself. I love getting out and exercising in nature because it really helps me to release some of my anxiety after a busy day. I went out on a long hike and was headed back to my vehicle when I suddenly thought I heard somebody yelling for help. I slowed down, and soon a woman ran up behind me. She asked me in a tired voice if she could possibly get a quick ride to the other side of the state park. I noticed that she was extremely sweaty, so clearly she had been outside for a long time. It was extremely hot out that day, and she was definitely feeling the heat and humidity. It was getting dark out, and I didn’t want to leave a fellow woman stranded somewhere unsafe and uncomfortable. We headed back towards my car and gave her a ride around to the other side of the park, just as she asked. I turned on the air conditioning system to full blast, hoping that it would cool down fast enough to make her comfortable. When I adjusted the air temperature control, she mentioned that she was actually a certified heating, cooling, and ventilation specialist. I was actually blown away by this information! I had to mention that my air conditioner back home broke down earlier that day. The HVAC technician in my vehicle was so grateful for the quick ride I gave her, she took my address and the next day she serviced my central cooling system for free.