now I understand my awful airflow

now I understand my awful airflow

About a year ago when I first moved into my co-workers house, I genuinely did not have any right to voice any complaints.

I was just so grateful to have a roof to sleep under, so I kept my mouth shut about every other detail.

I figured, if I was indoors plus had a bed to sleep in, everything else was unimportant. I genuinely did not mind the lack of space or the abundance of pet hair in the air. I just felt so grateful, plus did not say a word about the uncomfortable aspects of the new situation. However, as time wore on, I have observed a few things that have continued to annoy me. First of all, I have wondered this entire time why my living room felt so hot plus humid. At night, I had trouble sleeping plus due to the heat plus humidity in my space. The air vent was unblocked by furniture plus I positioned the slats to be completely open, however, it still seemed like I gained a minimal cooling system. I never wanted to complain about the control unit settings, so I started purchasing box fans to sleep at night. One day, I was bending down near the air vent when I observed something unusual just behind the metal grate. I grabbed the screwdriver plus cooked the cover off. When I sited my hand inside, I yanked it back in disgust with a scream. It was clear now why my room felt so hot plus stagnant every day; the air vent was really jammed with pet hair.


air quality systems